Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational rehabilitation is a service that helps injured individuals return to work or stay at work.

At Habit Health, we support team members who are off work or facing challenges performing and staying on the job due to injuries. We will assess individual needs and create a personalised rehabilitation and return-to-work plan to help your team member recover quickly.

We help the injured client or employee to access the care they need much sooner so they can maximise their recovery and work participation.

Fully funded for covered injuries by ACC 

ACC fully funds this service, so there will be no extra cost to your business. Right now, if your employee or client has an ACC claim, you can refer them straight to us without ACC needing to coordinate the referral.

How can I access this support? 

We have processes in place so injured team members can access the care they need sooner. Early referral leads to the best outcomes. 

Simply follow these steps: 

If you have any questions about rehabilitation for work, email us at referrals@habit.co.nz

How it works

Our vocational rehabilitation team will coordinate with the employer, injured team member and their GP. We will identify individual needs and develop a rehabilitation and return-to-work plan to help the team member recover as soon as possible.

We help determine:

  • Workplace injury type and limitation in fulfilling their duties at work
  • Injury prognosis and likely recovery programme 

As part of their programme, we may advise on amending their working hours and modifying selected duties until the employee is back to feeling their best. Each injury is unique, so we use the latest evidence-based approach to achieve the best result for all.

 Our vocational team include:

  • occupational therapists
  • physiotherapists
  • vocational consultants
  • careers advisors
  • support staff members 

Whether it be a workplace related injury or an injury that happened outside work, we can help.

Who is eligible?

To qualify for this service: 

  • The employee must be absent from work or unable to fulfil their agreed hours or duties due to their injury
  • Be eligible for ACC worker’s compensation

Different types of support:

Stay at Work programmes aim to facilitate a safe recovery from injury while supporting our clients’ employment. Research indicates that recovery is best achieved at work.

Back to Work programmes support people who are unable to return to their pre-injury occupation, helping them to identify transferable skills and can include assisting them with their job search.

For more information click here to contact us.