Speech Language Therapy for Adults

Our Speech-Language Therapists specialise in supporting children and adults who have difficulty communicating and swallowing. We provide assessment, diagnoses and one-to-one or group therapy, helping individuals to develop and increase their communication skills, and to enhance their ability to swallow.

Therapy is conducted in homes, nurseries, schools, aged care facilities and other community and vocational settings.

We provide speech therapy that is specifically tailored towards the individual, with specialised training and rehabilitation programmes for the client, their Whanau, parents and significant others who may provide support.

Habit Health’s Speech-Language Therapists are members of the New Zealand Speech-Language Therapy Association (NZSTA).


Habit Health provide private speech-language therapy options and works closely with ACC, particularly within the fields of traumatic brain injury and concussion. Talk to us to see whether a Speech-Language Therapist would be appropriate for yourself, a member of your whanau or your child.

Contact us for more information